March 29th - 30th 2025
Faculty of computer and information science, Ljubljana

Once again, we bring you DCTF in the form of a conference, accompanied by a CTF competition. The lectures will take place throughout the day with the CTF competition running until late at night. The CTF participants will form teams of up to 3 members, but you can also only attend the lectures. See you on the 29th of March 2025 at 9:00 at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science!

For competitors:

The competition will be composed of 5 categories:

web icon Web - hacking web applications

crypto icon Crypto - cryptography

reverse icon Rev - reverse engineering

pwn icon Pwn - binary exploitation

misc icon Misc - miscellaneous

For each challenge, the goal is to obtain a string (flag), which is text of a known format which acts like proof of truly solving the challenge. You are of course rewarded with points for each of the flags you obtain.


Become a Partner of the DCTF25 Conference!

We believe in free access to knowledge, which is why we will once again organize the conference without registration fees for participants. To deliver the event at the highest level, provide attractive prizes for competitors, and cover organizational costs, we invite you to support the event as partners. With your help, we can enhance the conference and enable the continued growth of the cybersecurity community.

Our team's mission is to introduce young people and the interested public to the field of cybersecurity in more detail and highlight its importance in today's world.

Therefore, the 2-day DCTF25 conference:

  • supports the dissemination of cybersecurity knowledge,
  • brings together experts and enthusiasts from Slovenia and abroad in the field of cybersecurity,
  • includes expert lectures that provide insights into the latest methods in the world of cybersecurity,
  • offers a Capture The Flag (CTF) competition, where participants tackle cybersecurity challenges, and
  • enables networking and the creation of new connections.

Partner brochure [PDF]

Partner contact

Lucija Koprivc